Over the past 7 years The Paws has been helping rescue and rehome pups in need of a second chance. While we were living in Bali and Sri Lanka we would often come across dogs that needed medical care and a loving home.
Today we are sharing the 'Glow Ups' from 3 of the dogs we have helped!
We rescued Sully in Bali back in 2019. She was living on the side of the road. We would visit her daily and bring her food and give her love. One day she decided to follow our scooter when we went away and she quickly learned where we lived - the rest was history! We decided to take her in and foster her until we could find her a new home. Fast forward and less than 1 year later she was adopted by a friend of ours living in the USA. She now lives outside of Washington DC with her mom and dad, and furry brother Otis!
We found Indah in 2017 while scootering through a neighborhood in Bali. She was hiding inside a chicken coop at a local fruit and veggie market, but we knew we had to stop and help her. She was skin and bones without any fur on her body. We took her straight to the clinic for medical care. After several years of foster homes in Bali she was found her forever home in Vancouver, Canada where she now enjoys outdoor adventures with her mom!
Penny was a rescue in Sri Lanka in 2020. We were walking on the beach one morning and came across a tiny puppy covered in sand with cuts all over her body. We decided to help her with a visit to the clinic and when we went back down to the beach her mom was nowhere in sight. We took her home where she lived with us for just over 1 year before she flew to the USA to her new family in Virginia. She now has a mom, dad, brother, and two furry siblings!
Thank you for supporting The Paws and making stories like this possible!