A tribute to Heidi, a beautiful old lady who had a wonderful 6 months with the most special people in Bali.
Late January 2020 my dear friend in Bali was leaving the beach when she spotted what looked like rubbish lying in a trash pile on the side of the road. At a closer glance she spotted a bit of fur and a lightly breathing dog.
While many might have passed by not sure what to do, my friend bent to her knees and collected the dog, rushing to the animal clinic with the dog in her arms.
The dog was named Heidi and her second chance at life started on this day in early January.
Once she arrived to the clinic, Heidi was hooked up to an IV for hydration and supplements. She spent a few days laying low and resting her body.
My friend was keeping me posted on Heidi and I offered to have someone come to the clinic to take a few photos. Photos we could use to post on social media looking for a foster for Heidi so she could leave the clinic and get more one on one love and attention in a home.
The photos were taken and the posts were published but after a few days nobody had come forward to foster old lady Heidi. Perhaps her lack of fur or broken toes were too much for someone to take on and so Heidi waited - a week went by and she was still in the cage at the clinic.
Slowly she was showing signs of improvement but there was nowhere for her to go - nobody had come forward to foster.
We couldn’t stand the thought of Heidi at the clinic in a cage so I suggested we start a Go Fund Me page to relocate Heidi from the clinic to a dog homestay where she could have a bit of green space to move around. The fundraiser raised enough money within a few days and we relocated Heidi from the clinic to a dog homestay!
While the dog homestay is better than a clicic we still have the hope that someone would come forward to offer Heidi a spot in their home. Being older, a bit blind and having special needs and lots of medications a home would be amazing for her retirement.
While Heidi’s rescue and relocation was taking place we were also communicating with a tourist new to Bali. She and her partner were spending a month in Bali and they wanted to help us foster a dog during their time on the island.
While most people choose to foster fluffy cute puppies, Hannah chose Heidi - a dream come true! She spent a few days buying Heidi blankets, a dog bed and treats and KIN sponsored a healthy diet.
Heidi had the most wonderful month - she relaxed into a new home where she was showered with love and attention. She even gained enough energy to go out and about and join Hannah and her friends for coffee!
As Hannah’s time in Bali came to an end we started looking for another foster home for Heidi in hopes that she could continue living in a home rather than going back to the homestay. It wasn’t looking very promising until my good friend Naomi suggested Heidi come and stay with her - our second dream come true!
Naomi opened her home and her heart to Heidi and welcomed her into her pack (she has her own Bali rescue dog and another foster dog too!) Her Bali bungalow became a dog paradise as Heidi made herself comfortable. It didn’t take much time for Naomi to realize Heidi wasn’t leaving - Heidi had worked her magic and had a place to stay with Naomi. We called it the ultimate retirement!
Heidi spent her days lounging on the sofa, playing with her new fur siblings and going on her daily stroll down the road. Her fur continued to grow and grow and she became a fluffy old lady. Throughout the months she lived with Naomi she had a few medical scares, including a round of seizures. She was put on several medications and monitored closely but she continued to enjoy her days in the sunshine.
Last week our Heidi girl went to Dog Heaven. After an unexpected surgery she had a round of seizures that ended up taking her life. She was surrounded by visits from loved ones in Bali and had many people around the world thinking about her.
Heidi had 6 amazing months - 6 months of unconditional love, support and comfort. She will be forever missed and in our hearts.